Search GST Number - Maharashtra

What is state code of Maharashtra under GST?

State code of Maharashtra state is 27. GST number in Maharashtra state starts with 27. If you see any number starting with 27 that means this GST number belongs to Maharashtra state.

You can search details of a GST number in Maharashtra with name, pan or GST number of person. To check details of GST number type name, pan or GST number of person in above search box along with state name. For example type "Reliance Maharashtra" to search GST number of Reliance company in Maharashtra state.

You can also search GST number by name of other states.

Search GST number by trade name in Maharashtra

You can search GST number and details in Maharashtra by using legal name and trade name. Legal name can be different from trade name in case of proprietorship firms. To search GST numbers in Maharashtra, type legal name or trade name along with state name (Maharashtra) and click on search button. Results will be displayed of GST numbers registered only in Maharashtra.

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