Showing Result for " CONSTRUCTION"

HS Code Goods/Service discription SGST CGST IGST CESS Conditions
9954 Services provided by way of pure labour contracts of construction, erection, commissioning, installation, completion, fitting out, repair, maintenance, renovation, or alteration of a civil structure or any other original works pertaining to the beneficiary-led individual house construction or enhancement under the Housing for All (Urban) Mission or Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Nil Nil Nil None Nil
6905 Chimney-pots, cowls, chimney liners, architectural ornaments and other ceramic constructional goods 9 9 18 None None
7016 Paving blocks, slabs, bricks, squares, tiles and other articles of pressed or moulded glass, whether or not wired, of a kind used for building or construction purposes; glass cubes and other glass smallwares, whether or not on a backing, for mosaics or similar decorative purposes; leaded lights and the like; multi-cellular or foam glass in blocks, panels, plates, shells or similar forms 9 9 18 None None
7302 Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following: rails, check-rails and rack rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates (base plates), rail clips bedplates, ties and other material specialized for jointing or fixing rails 9 9 18 None None
8457 Machining centres, unit construction machines (single station) and multi-station transfer machines, for working metal 9 9 18 None None
9954 (iii) construction services other than (i) and (ii) above. 9 9 18 None -
9954 Services by way of pure labour contracts of construction, erection, commissioning, or installation of original works pertaining to a single residential unit otherwise than as a part of a residential complex. Nil Nil Nil None Nil
6902 Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods, other than those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths 9 9 18 None None
9987 Maintenance, repair and installation (except construction) services. 9 9 18 None -

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What is HS Code?

HS Code is internationally accepted format of coding to describe a product. All around the world same HS codes are used to discribe a product. You can use 4 digit HS code to generate your invoices.

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