watch_later 18/11/17

One of my clients is issuing sales invoices on h.o. address & goods are cleared from unit address which is different then is it valid, even in some purchase invoices h.o. address is mentioned can we take the credit of it.Please reply.

2 Responses | Latest response: 19/11/17 | Sort by Likes(thumb_up) Recent | GST Reply
watch_later 21/11/17

Thanks 4 the reply Sir, But please answer the query which I have commented.

watch_later 19/11/17

Both offices are located in same state with same GST number?

If yes, then there is no issue but you should ask your supplier to bill at unit office.

If both units (HO and branch) are located in separate states, then it is going to trouble you.

Ask the supplier to create invoice with HO, no issue but shipping address should be of branch and charge tax accordingly. You should also provide GST number of branch to your supplier.


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