watch_later 24/01/18

Suppose I have turnover say 15 lakhs as on 31st December 2017. I got registered (New) from 1st January 2018. As per GST act, i have to collect GST on every supply irrespective of turnover (as the exemption is only for registration).

Now my query is whether I have to pay GST out of my pocket for the first 15 lakhs (supplies made before registration) as I would not have collected GST on such supply.

1 Response | Latest response: 24/01/18 | Sort by Likes(thumb_up) Recent | GST Reply
watch_later 24/01/18

You have to charge GST on invoices issued post GST registration.

You need not to pay GST of 15 lakhs invoices you issued earlier. Chargeability arises when you are registered under GST.



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