watch_later 16/08/17


I have an eCommerce business. I am located in India but I sell to all over world except India. 

Catch is, when I get order(s), I just reorder it from Chinese website and from their those suppliers send those orders directly to my customers anywhere in the world. 

I don't touch any product or import anything. 

Each order is one off trade. For ex. I get 1000rs for an order. I pay 300rs to Aliexpress to fulfill that item and send 300rs for Marketing. And make 400 gross profit. 

So do I need to pay any GST. If yes, how to calculate what's I am paying. 


Thanks in advance.



Priyank Soni.

2 Responses | Latest response: 16/08/17 | Sort by Likes(thumb_up) Recent | GST Reply
watch_later 16/08/17

For everyone making interstate outward supplies, GST registration is compulsory.

You have to get GST registration.

Though your income will be Zero rated, but when you pay for expenses need to evaluate RCM provisions.

watch_later 16/08/17

 Hello Pulkit, 

How much do you charge to consult my accountant? 

You just need to give him advice on how to file things. 

I do online businesses and he doesn't have clue sometimes. 



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