GSTR 9 Annual Return for Turnover less than 2 Crore, is optional, and if taxpayer chose not to filed before 30th November it would be deemed to filed on due date.
It means if you chose not to file annual return within due date for the reason that your turnover was below 2 crore, it will be presumed you have filed annual return. Now questions is what will be annual return in such case?. It may be auto populate data annual return or it may be summary of GSTR 3 B and GSTR 1 summary deemed to be annual return.
Everyone has committed mistake as it was 1st year of Law and it was new for everyone so as per my suggestion every dealer should file GSTR 9 and reconcile books of accounts with GST returns.
Otherwise dealers may fall into litigation and cause to pay Interest @24% p.a & penalty...
CA Sonu Chimnani
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