watch_later 25/06/18

When a query is raised, one expects an authoritative reply from Mr. Pulkit.  But what I have seen is that he posts the question for all to see and that is the end of it.

2 Responses | Latest response: 25/06/18 | Sort by Likes(thumb_up) Recent | General Reply

Hello SIr,I'm Vignesh Kothandaraman, As i registered gst and i have no business, and i not filed returns so they said pay for late fee , so i applied for cancellation, again they send mail to me regarding late Fee and i paid all due and cleared it and my application of cancellation was still pending ! what should i do ?

watch_later 25/06/18

I try to answer all question asked on portal.

But cannot answer all questions as I have my own practice and sometime due to lack of time I do not answer.

Further I do not answer following type of questions:

  • GST rate and HSN codes because people can directly search. Most of unanswered question are related to GST rates.
  • DSC errors because we have a master thread for this topic still people instead of reading answers straight away ask question.
  • Repetitive question. Just check forgot user id and password question on this website. Atleast 50 people have asked it. Why people ask same question when it is already discussed and answered. So I do not answer any question which is repetitive in nature.

I try to answer question which are:

  1. Unique means not asked any time before on site.
  2. Question is explained in detail. Most of user just ask question in a single line. We are not here to guess your issues. Please ask any question with full details.

I will request users to follow these rules before asking any question and this applies to answers also:

  1. Ask question with complete details. Short question with incomplete details will not be answered and may be deleted.
  2. Check site before asking, do not ask duplicate question.
  3. Ask in Hindi if English is not your choice of language. We all understand Hindi very well.

For answering also:

  1. Answer with complete details. Short answers will be deleted.
  2. It is not a chat website, so avoid small answers.
  3. Do not copy paste anything from Google search. Even one who asked can Google. Answer with legal back up.

To conclude I do answer but not duplicate, poorly asked questions.


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