GST Number or GSTIN is a 15 digit identity given to business and service providers registered under GST (Goods and Services Tax). Every registered person is issued a valid GST Number to comply with GST laws.
GST Number is public information about any business and one can easily find details of any GST number. GST number is a pan based identification issued to business owners.
Full form of GSTIN is "Goods and Services Tax Identification Number". GSTIN or commonly called GST Number is a single identity to prove that a business is registered under GST. As a business or service provider you can provide your GSTIN for validity of your operations.
Common Points of any GST Number:
To get GST number, you have to register under GST. You can register your business under GST by applying online. GST Registration is made very simple and you can register your business without appointing any consultant.
However to avoid any misinformation, you may go with appointing a consultant as they have practical knowledge of law and can help you to get GST registration at earliest.
You must have a valid Permanent Account Number (PAN) to get GST registration. Common documents required for GST registration include Address Proof, Identity Proof, Photos, Bank Details and PAN.
You must know that GSTIN is the main detail you have to mention in GST returns and invoices for correct flow of tax credit. You should validate GST number before using a GST number.
You can search and validate a GST number using these methods:
You can search GST number details using GSTIN. You can use GST number search tool provided by KnowyourGST. You have to just type the GST number and click on Search button to get details of any given GSTIN.
Alternatively you can also validate a GST number on GST website also.
GST Number is based on Permanent Account Number (PAN), so it makes sense to directly searching GSTIN using PAN. You can obtain multiple registration using same PAN. If your party has multiple registrations, before using a GST Number confirm with party.
For example HDFC bank may have multiple GSTINs in single state based on same PAN.
You can search GST Numbers using PAN on KnowyourGST website. KnowyourGST was the first site to provide this facility. KnowYourGST started PAN based GST search even before official GST website.
If you do not have PAN or GST Number then it becomes difficult to validate a GSTIN. However KnowYourGST made an impact by launching a this facility.
Till date more than 10 million searches are made on KnowyourGST for GST Search with name.
You can search GSTIN of any person by just typing name or some part of name or pan and include state name for more accurate results.
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